"We just need to find your niche, Yshani."
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She Speaks...

She Speaks…

Broadcasting, Panels, Papers.

BBC Radio 3 Record Review: Building a Library.Find out which recording of Shostakovich’s 2nd Piano Concerto I recommend!Podcast Version: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09jg1ch

BBC Radio 3 Record Review: Building a Library.

Find out which recording of Shostakovich’s 2nd Piano Concerto I recommend!

Podcast Version: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09jg1ch

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Finding Creativity in Unwelcome Restraints

Shared Narratives Conference 2021



Learning & Participation

Conductor / Workshop Leader / Pianist

Opera Squad is ENO's flagship programme in which our musicians and singers take over whole schools in a one-day programme of pop up performance and workshops, introducing young people from a wide range of backgrounds to opera. Since 2011, ENO Opera Squad has performed to over 11,500 young people in 81 schools across London.



Music Faculty: Piano Teacher

Music Faculty: Piano Teacher

Junior Department: Musicianship & Composition Teacher https://www.rcm.ac.uk/junior/teachers/details/?id=03045

Junior Department: Musicianship & Composition Teacher https://www.rcm.ac.uk/junior/teachers/details/?id=03045